SS10 ZIMM Thursday:25-02-2010 Session Time: 10.50-1.00

Screw alignment potential in the reversed shoulder: what about the anatomy?
Andrew Hopkins
Anthony Bull, Joern Seebeck
Zimmer Orthopaedics, Switzerland

FEA of proximal humerus fracture fixation augmented with synthetic bone graft
Ross Cotton
J. Kennedy, P. McGarry, H. Mullett, D. Fitzpatrick, P. Young
Simpleware, UK

Functional Anatomy of the Arm for Muscle Forces Estimation
Charles Pontonnier
Georges Dumont
IRISA, France

Factors influencing calculated tendon tensions in two established phalangeal models
Oliver Warlow
Sian Lawson
Newcastle University, UK

Muscle selectivity algorithm for superficial matrix electrodes
A. D. Koutsou
J. C. Moreno J. L. Pons, J. A. Gallego and E. Rocon
Bioengineering Group - CSIC, Spain

The importance of the radiotriquetral ligament for proximal row stability in the wrist: A finite element study
Magnus Gislason
Ben Stansfield and David Nash
University of Strathclyde, UK

Investigating the use of digital image correlation to quantify scapula function
Lindsay Stroud
Sebastien Talnet, Barry Lovern, Sam L Evans and Cathy Holt
Cardiff University

Changes in the moment arm of forearm muscles during pro-supination in a disrupted distal radioulnar joint.
Barry P Pereira
Lai Tan Lei, Chong Sook Yee
National University of Singapore, Singapore